Going Way Back, Back In Time

who remembers playing oregon trail as a kid? well folks, i played it twice tonight and it was a trip back in time. my first time i died about halfway through the game, but the second time i made it to the end, but just barely. the game seems harder than i remember. evidently they have come out with newer versions of the game and maybe they are fun too, but i wanted to play the original. if i have you wishing you too could play the oregon trail video game. well my friend, you're in luck. just click here to go to a website in which you can download it and play it.
I LOVED oregon trail!!!! I think I'll have to download and play it :) Fun times!!
jlay, you are my hero. this is going to be my new form of procrastination ...
well my new/old
i used to sneak into the computer labs at spiral (g/t bull shit) and play this OVER AND OVER again
This was SO the highlight of my sixth grade existence. And yeah, six years or so back I played it again and found it was way more difficult than I remembered it. That always amazes me--that games that old can still kick my butt!
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