
"Should've Been A Cowboy"

Monday, July 11, 2005

New York vs. Dallas

Television portrays cities such as New York, Chicago and L.A. as high crime cities, but are they really cities of crime?

City / Index / Murder / Rape / Robbery / Assault / Burglery / Larceny / Auto Theft
Dallas / 5879.3 / 7.8 / 37.4 / 272.6 / 364.7 / 1093.9 / 3351.1 / 751.9
Chicago / 4367.0 / 9.8 / 42.6 / 272.4 / 408.1 / 597.7 / 2580.0 / 456.4
L.A. / 3998.3 / 11.8 / 29.3 / 303.9 / 557.4 / 628.8 / 1737.9 / 729.2
New York / 2973.4 / 6.6 / 19.2 / 303.5 / 387.9 / 361.2 / 1581.8 / 313.2

*the lower the index the lower the crime rate

After looking at the numbers I think that we should drop NY and L.A from the list of cities used as references for crime on tv and in movies and replace it with Dallas. Maybe we could have shows like "DFW Blues", "CSI Dallas", "Dallas Vice" or "DFW Law".


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