The Cobalt Season

last night my church hosted a show by the cobalt season. i didn't have any expectations since i had never seen nor heard of them, but i'm all for hearing new music. especially from groups that i've never heard of. the group/band is comprised of ryan and holly sharp, husband and wife, and whoever might be joining them that evening.
i must say that i thoroughly enjoyed their performance last night. it was exactly as their website describes...
"The Cobalt Season emerges as a voice of hope and clarity amidst an apathetic consumer-driven society. Deconstructing the American Dream and all it's cronies (American religion, nationalism, corporatism, etc.), Ryan Lee Sharp paints impressions of a better way, a better day.
Sometimes with large brush strokes, sometimes with fine lines, Ryan and Holly Sharp (and whoever might be joining them that evening) create a live experience that isn't soon forgotten. From infuriating you to giving you hope, from deconstructing to reconstructing, you will remember your encounter with The Cobalt Season. Indie Folk Rock with a Social Conscience. Story-Driven Songs with Soul."
if you weren't present for their performance or if you've never heard of them. i recommend that you check them out. you can listen to some of their songs by visiting their myspace music page.
Oh, that's really lovely! Thanks for the rec!
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