Exclusive Invite

last night i played poker with a group of guys, who shall remain nameless for my protection, in a hot garage in the lakewood area of dallas. i was honored to be the only guy out of seven at the table that didn't live within 3 miles of the previously mentioned location. i live 26 miles away to be exact. it was like i was invited to an exclusive club. really, for someone who lives north of two "loops" to be invited to east dallas (much less one) to play cards, that is saying something. i had a great time, i stayed within my limits of alcohol consumption (you have to when you live 26 miles away), and i only made a few out of control remarks, but none of which should keep me from being invited back. well, there was that one that made the two guys to my right a bit squeamish, but neither was the host. so i think i'm okay. i'm also happy to report that when all was said and done i walked away with a $6 profit, and that breaks my streak of 3 consecutive events of loosing all of my $20.
p.s. this is for the host....take my grievances with a grain of salt. okay, take one of them with a grain of salt. the one about the hot garage did hold some water, but that won't keep me from coming back if you feel so inclined to invite me.
ooh oh Mexico, sounds so sweet I just had to go...*giggle*
Glad you had fun!
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