Accomplishment, Beer, & The Coolest Sandals Ever
i'm writing this post while drinking a beer, in celebration of passing my securities exams, that i opened with my new sandals. this past weekend i really wanted to drink some alcohol and hangout with friends, but i withheld due to the fact that i was studying for two securities exams that i had this week, one on monday and one today. what can i say? i didn't feel that alcohol would help me retain information or stay awake to study it. needless to say i passed both of my test. besides studying 35 hours for my test last week, i ordered a new pair of sandals online that have a functional bottle opener on the bottom of each sandal. so here is a picture of me celebrating passing my exams by opening a bottle of beer with one of my new sandals.

can't wait to drink beer with you in those cool sandals. i'll have to get a matching pair. but a size or two smaller.
Wow, where did you get those? They would be perfect for Jeff!! You and your sandals have tons of fun!! Oh, and congrats on passing your test!!
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