Gotta Read The Fine Print
after work today i went to the mall to get my hair cut. i always park outside of sears because it is the closest store to master cuts that has an external entrance to the mall. on my way out of the mall i of course walked through sears. as i passed the men's clothing section i couldn't help but see a couple of signs that said 90% off. like a bug to light i swarmed over to the 90% off racks. i spent about 20 minutes picking out 2 pair of jeans, 4 button up shirts, and 4 t-shirts. i was clearly about to buy over $300 worth of cloth for about $30. i take my pile up to the register and while the young clerk rings up my clothes i can't help but notice prices like $18.99 popping up on the screen. so i asked the guy why a $38 shirt that was 90% off would ring up as $18.99? he proceeds to tell me that the rack it came off of states that everything on the rack is up to 90% off. come to find out the words "up to" were about 9 pt type and the "90%" was about 150 pt type. obviously i overlooked the fine print. yet i didn't walk out of the store empty handed. i ended up buying 3 t-shirts for a grand total of $14.55 after tax.

See... I blame this snafu on your guy-ness. We ladies have been hip to the "up to" business since Junior High. ;-)
Gotta watch out for that fine print! Glad you got a few shirts though :)
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