Turning of a Page
friday was the last day at my as a legal agent with the bank. i must say that it felt weird doing everything for what i new would be the last time. it would be the last time that i drove down beltline from lewisville to irving for work. it would be the last time i would walk through those doors and past those desk and say good morning to those people. friday was the last time i would ever answer the phone and say, "thank you for calling national helpline legal. my name is jason. may i have your name please?" i said that a whole lot their. i only worked their a year and was only on the phone for 10 months of that year. which means i said that greating about 10k times, but i agree with my good friend luke. change is a part of life and change is good.

today i started a temporary job working in the currency transaction report unit for the bank. this means i will be making sure the bank complies with anti-money laundering regulations. i will be doing this job until the end of january. at which time i hope to become a full time financial advisor.
to get to my new but temporary job i must drive from down 35 from lewisville to downtown dallas, approx. 25 miles. so this morning i woke up earlier than i normally would because i had to be at work earlier than before as well as drive farther. i still end up leaving 10 minutes later than i had hoped and got to work 20 minutes late all together. my drive was as good as i could expect it to be. it was an accident free commute and i can only hope to have lots more ahead. the worst and only frustraiting part of my commute was downtown parking. my friend who works downtown told me about this parking garage somewhere near the westin that was only $2 a day. needless to say i didn't find it and ended up parking 5 blocks from my building for the same $6 it would have cost to park under my building. i know, you're wondering why i did this. it was for two reasons. reason one was that i thought it cost $4 and not $6. reason two was that i wasn't 100% sure where my building was. i knew it was on akard and fairly close to another building that i was familiar with, but wasn't able to look it up online because i didn't have the address.
i'm glad to say that my day at work was better than my drive to work. when i finally walk into the office. they are having a welcome party for me and the other five new associates. i'm not big on making an "entrance", but today i did. as i walk through the door to the conference room. the nice lady that led me to the room introduced my name to the small crown of 20 plus people and the "spirit team" cheered my name as i made it to my seat. shortly after that all of the seasoned associates left the room leaving us 6 amigos to sit through training for the rest of the day. overall the training wasn't too bad. the continental breakfast was sweet. especially since i didn't get to eat breakfast this morning, and the instructors were decent too.
some pros to my new job are that i'm not tied to the phone all day long, i take lunch when ever i want, i get to choose between three different schedules (7-4, 8-5, or 9-6), and downtown is a happening place to eat lunch. the cons are the drive to work, paying for parking, and not being about to blog all day long, but i feel the pros will out weigh the cons for the five months i will be there. another good thing worthy of mention is that i found a parking lot next to my building that only charges $4 a day.
after a relatively smooth drive home i will relax, eat dinner, workout, and prepare for yet another adventure in downtown dallas. if anyone one wants to catch lunch sometime just let me know.
wow...I think your parking is pretty inexpensive for such a big city!
Sounds like you had a great first day, I hope it continues for you.
Congrats on your first day. Have you thought about driving to a Park and Ride DART station and taking the train in from there? The commute might be longer that way, but at least you wouldn't have to DRIVE and PARK. *tries to be helpful*
move to east side!
Your company has a spirit team. That rocks!
Every morning when I drive to Lewisville, I feel really sorry for all the people just sitting on 35 not moving.
move to the eastside j-lay.
lakewood is the place for me.
east side is where I want to be.
i would love to move guys, but i'm locked into a lease until june 2006, and i will only be working downtown until january 31, 2006 anyways.
the closest dart rail to me is 30 mins away in plano.
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