Oregon Vacation Part 1
like most vacations, i wish mine would have lasted longer. one reason is that i did have a wonderful time visiting my mom and step-dad in oregon, and look forward to my next visit there. the other reason is that there is not ragweed in oregon. which is causing my eyes to itch and my nose to run like it is in a marathon.
i left saturday the 17th on a 7am flight from drw to houston. while checking in i witnessed someone get told they couldn't fly! it was a couple and their small daughter in line in front of me. the wife's passport expired oct. 02-2005. evidently the country they were flying to required a passport to be valid for 30 past day someone is scheduled to return home. it was disheartening to see how sad the little girl was when she found out that her mom couldn't fly with them.
i had a smooth connecting flight through houston and onto portland, or. where my step-dad, doug, picked me up from the airport. we proceeded to head towards his and my mom's home in sweet home, or. 1 1/2 hrs south of portland. while going down the highway i saw a sheriffs car on the side of the road, and this wasn't any normal patrol car. it was a 2005 gt mustang! so good luck to anyone who plans on out running the sheriff in oregon. on our way to sweet home we made a couple of stops.

i made a green dot on the map where sweet home is.
the first was outside of salem at a man's house who does classic car restoration. we picked up the chrome grill to doug's '53 buick skylark. next we stopped for food in a little town that i can't remember the name of. after that we proceeded to lebanon where they were having a classic car show. which was sweet. it is so awesome that people rebuild old cars for all to see and enjoy. if someone didn't do that we would only be able to see some of these cars in old black and white pictures. i must say that they are much more interesting 2ft away.
finally we make it to sweet home. how sweet it is. the 75 degree weather was bliss and their four dogs, sandy, ginger, ty, and sugar, where all happy to see me.
I love classic car shows. I am glad you had a good time in Oregon!
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