Part 3 - 25 Years
tuesday september 20th was my 25th birthday. day 9131 of my life (this includes 6 leap years). this was the first birthday i can remember that wasn't celebrated with friends, but i still had a wonderful time. on my birthday i woke up to my body's alarm clock and not an electrical one next to my bed. that in its self is worth something. after eating breakfast i sat down on the couch and watched a movie on hbo.
then at 11am it was time. time for fun and relaxation in the great outdoors of oregon. it was time to play golf. i've played golf as a recreationally since i was 11 years old. i did quit playing for about a year due to frustration around age 14. at that time in my life i aspired to be great at golf. i'm naturally left handed, but after my game reached a plateau i taught myself how to play right handed and ended up doing no better than what i had done left handed. so i quit. after picking golf back up at age 15 i played quite often during high school and improved my game greatly after joining the golf team my junior year.
since graduating high school my rounds of golf per year have decreased annually while my golf scores have increased. but this doesn't bother me since i could care less how good i play anymore. with this round of golf on my birthday, as with most of my rounds now, i was just happy to be playing. this being only my third round of golf for the year my score did suck, and i had an awesome time sucking it up. i played at mallard creek golf course, host of the pga oregon open. i love playing golf in oregon. everything is so green and so much cooler than in texas.

that evening i had my dinner of choice, lasagna. i love lasagna. it is because of this that i think garfield the cat and i would get along great. i ate so much lasagna that i didn't have room for cake and ice cream, but i'm sure garfield would have.
all in all i had a truly wonderful and relaxing 25th birthday, and to add icing to the cake. when i returned home from my vacation i checked the mail and found that i had received my new car insurance policy. for the first time in 6 years my premium didn't go up. it didn't even stay the same. it went down! when i say it went down i mean it plummeted $100 a month.
vivia la 9131 days!
Hope you had a great b-day!! By the way, your card REALLY is in the mail now. I had to get your new apt. # from Granny. Glad you had fun on the golf course.
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