
"Should've Been A Cowboy"

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Basketball Day

yesterday i acted on an invitation of my friend david to go to play basketball at northwest bible church. i gathered through conversation that there were more people there than usual. at one point there must have been 25 men there to play basketball. to my surprise they had a very organized system for selecting teams that allowed everyone to play. even people like me who practically knew no one there. they had a board that had several boxes on it. to be on a team you just had to write your name in a box and after a box had five names in it you had a team. with there being so many players there i only played one game. i'm sure i could have hung around longer and played a couple more, but one was good enough for me.

i haven't played basketball since i played a game for the journey basketball team the past summer. since the games that were being played yesterday were full court games i didn't have a place to warm up. so i stepped onto the court only after stretching. i had not taken a shot, dribbled a ball, or ran a lap. the game was only an eleven minute game, but it was a fast paced full court game. it reminded me of high school. the only problem is i'm not in the shape i was in high school. so that eleven minutes of sprinting back and forth was all i felt like enduring. not to mention i took a couple of good shots out on the court. one of which was an elbow to the nose that left me a bit dizzy and tasting blood in my mouth. after it was all said and done my one shot wasn't all that off and i did make a lay-up.

despite my lack of readiness i'm not detoured from making another appearance. i've wanted something like this since i moved to dallas six years ago, and wondered if i would ever find it. i had started to think that the only place i would ever experience this was back in my hometown.


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