Thanksgiving Break 2005
i could probably write at least five post from my thanksgiving break, but out of lack of time i will try and condense it to one. which is going to be hard to do in light of the fact that this was probably the most fun t-giving break i have ever had.
it all started wednesday night after work. i met up with christy and the gang at two rows for some good ol' dollar pints and conversation. following that i made it out to a bar in addison for a couple hours of karaoke where i sang elvis' "heart break hotel" and chris cagle's "chicks dig it". i was a bit disappointed that i didn't get to sing bon jovi's "dead or alive".
thanksgiving day i packed some clothes and headed for burkburnett, tx for some great food and even better family. after eating around 1pm we sat down to watch the cowboys game followed by a nap. later that evening i met up with my cousin audrey, the karaoke queen, to go sing at a karaoke bar that has karaoke 7 days a week. it was fun singing with my cousin the karaoke queen. the reason i call her the karaoke queen is because she has won money singing in karaoke contest. i'm happy to say that i got to sing "dead or alive" this time out.

me, audrey, and my brother chad
friday i spent most of my day building a communion table for my church. this was the first table i have ever built so i solicited the help and tool of my dad and grandpa. it was awesome having three generations working together. their help and company was greatly appreciated. it saved me losts of time and a few mistakes. not to mention a couple of improvements to my fabrication plans. i'll write more about the table when i finish later this week.
friday night i met my friends adam and dj along with each of their girlfriends for some pool at our normal hangout. after a couple of hours of pool adam and i went to another friends party at said friends newly purchased house. three hours, lots of stories, some guitar playing, and video gaming later i went home to my grandparents house, where i normally sleep while back home, to get some rest.
four hours later i met up with adam and we went to breakfast with dj and his dad. i love eating a good country breakfast. it's half of what i look forward to when i go to visit my family. though this breakfast wasn't made by grandma it was still good stuff. following breakfast adam and i messed around until about 1 pm at which time i went to hangout with my friend traci who i had seen for the first time in 7 years just a couple of weeks ago. i spent 5 hours over at her house chatting, fixing her families scanner, playing with her daughter, and taking pictures with my snazzy camera that is equipped with a 10 second delay that allows me to take pictures such as this.

don't get the wrong idea now. i realize this photo makes us look more like a couple than a couple of friends, but friends are all we are. besides, she has a boy friend and lives two hours away. i'm not into stealing girl friends or long distance relationships anyways. after chillin' with traci i met up with adam and his cousin jessica for some dinner at fazzoli's. followed by an excellent movie, "walking the line". all i have to say it that it is a must see.
sunday morning i got up and ate yet another country breakfast. this time courtesy of grandma. i not only love her cooking, but i love eating breakfast with my grandparents every chance i get. oh, and i can't leave out the brer rabbit syrup! this stuff is so good. my grandpa soaks a slab of butter in it, mashes it up, and eats it with his biscuit. where as i put butter on my biscuit and pour the syrup over it in a decorative fashion. it is so good. believe it or not i cannot find this syrup in the dfw area. i have to get it in my home town. i would think i could at least find it in a health food store since it is all natural? for real, i'm not kidding! it only has two ingredients. molasses and corn syrup. after breakfast i went to spend the next couple of hours at my dad's place. he has a nice home on five acres of land out in the county. the only problem with that is the wind. which was blowing at an unbelievable speed that day. the weather man said there were gust of wind as fast as 61 mph, and there wasn't even a storm people! craziness i tell.
finally, as always, i hesitantly left my hometown for the big city. normally i leave on sunday nights, but i needed to be back in time to do some book keeping for my church before the service started. i was greatly surprised at church when my friend ronnie handed me the rich mullins cd that he said he would make me and several other people a couple of months ago. i told him he had a great memory. he said it was more like a lot of guilt. at least he has a conscious.
I had soooo much fun singing karaoke with you! You do an amazing job at imitating others voices to make the song sound great!! We will have to do that more often on the holidays :)
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